søndag den 13. marts 2011


Some quick adjustments in diverse materials' diffuse, reflectance, and transmittance settings and voilá, a wall of transparent glass... Developing the materials and structures behind any transparent materials must be considered when creating future 3d models.

søndag den 6. marts 2011

Pinlights & spotlights

Exploring lighting in Kerkythea this evening. Renderings below include yellow and white pinlights created in Sketchup, grouped in Kerkythea, and set to multiplier 3, radius .5. Spotlights set to: hotspots 15, fallout 100.

lørdag den 5. marts 2011

Night and day

What will an area look like with specifice types of fixtures, bulbs, and lighting? Plug it into Kerkythea, and get a good idea! There are quite a few options for tweaking a material's attributes, and it seems that changing one will influence the appearance of another - the windows below, while transparent in SketchUp, are nearly white here. Nevertheless, it looks like a growing understanding of lighting is underway... I'll consider translucent materials a lesson for another day - or night...

onsdag den 23. februar 2011

Let there be light!

Shedding a little light into a rendering makes all the difference. And as it turns out, manipulating lights in Kerkythea is much easier than I remember Vizrender awhile back. Here are a few renderings with minor adjustments made to the light multiplier tool. From the rendering with no light to the 'lit' rendering (where only one light is illuminating the building's facade considerably), the multiplying factor is 3. The rendering 'in between' is a factor of .8... It's safe to say, a little goes a long way!

tirsdag den 22. februar 2011

'quick' renderings

A 'quick' Kerkythea rendering is perhaps an oxymoron, since the actual processing time seems to drag quite a bit. But considering the amount of time actually spent manipulating materials, 'quick' is an understatement when describing the process of taking a texturized model from SketchUp to a rendered Kerky image. The program whips out beautiful renderings fast as lightning...
The images below already convey design ideas clearly - buildings are nestled into the terrain, building materials are clear, etc., but after a bit of dabbling in Kerkythea's lighting and materials editor, these specific elements should be even more convincing.

(Notice the lighting on the face of the church - the vague spotlights will undoubtedly produce a more dramatic effect once these elements are tweaked in Kerkythea. Soon to come!)

mandag den 21. februar 2011

Hvem behøver dyrt klatreudstyr?

I løbet af de sidste par dage har jeg sammen med min 4 årig dreng fået researchet hvilke legepladsudstyr holder, og hvilke er uinteressante. Efter flere besøg til adskillige 'sites' er det blevet klart, at edderkroppens spind og klatreudstyr er superseje, og balanceudstyr er suveræn for 'jorden er giftig.'

På vej hjem en af dagen stoppede vi forbi børnehaverne langs Møllegade for at se, hvilke udstyr børnene legede med. Her blev vores tidligere iagttagelser bekræftet, da vi så, at mange af børnene legede på institutionens klatreudstyr.

Efter et par minutter blev nogle af børnehavebørnene nysgerrige og spurgt, hvorfor vi kiggede på deres legeplads. Jeg fortalte, at vi skulle bygge en ny legeplads i vores gård lige over på den anden side af gaden fra børnehaven.
"Det behøver I ikke." sagde én.
"Nå. Hvorfor ikke det?" sagde jeg.
"I kan bare låne vores!" konstaterede han.
Det var godt nok sødt, tænkte jeg, men så sagde, at det kunne vi ikke, da deres legeplads var indhegnet.
"Jamen, I kan bare hoppe over!"

Så det gør alle kvarterets børn nu, legepladsprojektet er blevet droppet og pengene sparede... ; J

onsdag den 16. februar 2011

Pre-kerky sketchup!

Some more pre-Kerkythea renders and screen shots... I think I'm getting addicted...

and across the quad...